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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Cleaning up After a Fire: 5 Things to Throw Away

10/31/2019 (Permalink)

We all have a place we call home, where we retire at the end of a hard day's work. Having our home taken away from us devastates us beyond measure. However, the dangers of fires, natural catastrophes and theft remain closer than we may think. When a fire breaks out, the cleaning up process forms a key factor to recovery and healing from the traumatic experience. A hard pill to swallow comes when we realize that certain cherished items may have to go away!


When a fire razes your home, any medicine present may absorb the high temperature and change the chemical components. The medicine also absorbs the soot and the contents of the fire extinguisher. Ingesting smoke and the contents of the fire extinguisher may expose you and your family to health complications. There are no buts on medications when it comes to choosing what to throw away after a fire.

Food and Other Consumables

The smoke from the fire and fire extinguisher chemicals contaminate any food products. Food products include perishable and non-perishable food products. Exposure to heat also alters the chemical elements of the food items, including the containers used for storing the food. Cloth packaging, metal tins, cardboard and plastics all change their chemical composition after exposure to high heat levels. Therefore, do not compromise on health at any standard. Food stored in the freezer may have a slight chance of non-contamination, but it is better to be safe, discard the food. The trauma after a fire coupled with health complications from ingesting contaminated food may weigh down on your recovery process.

Cosmetic Products

The standard while deciding what to throw away after a fire should focus on any products of a chemical nature. Cosmetic products such as make-up, oil products, perfumes and hair extensions have a chemical component. The high-temperature exposure during the fire may alter their chemical composition. Warped casings show that the fire contaminated the products. Fire extinguisher chemicals and soot add another chemical component into the products. Applying any of these contaminated products to your skin may result in an allergic reaction that may add to your woes.

Clothing Material

Any clothes and bedding in the house catch fire. Thus, sort out all the burnt garments and throw them away. Some clothes may have escaped the wrath of the fire but may have soot and fire extinguisher chemicals on their surface. If the clothes belong to children, precaution dictates that you discard them too. However, the use of the appropriate detergents may help to rehabilitate burnt clothes and bedding.

Burnt Electrical Equipment

Electrical equipment within the house has power cords and wiring that may burn during a fire. Electrical equipment that show signs of damage qualifies in the things to throw away after a fire. Compromised electrical equipment could result in another fire due to short circuits. Equipment includes computers, coffee makers, laundry machine, iron box and television sets.

Recovering from the trauma after a fire occurs over some time. The healing process may take time and patience from your side. At SERVPRO, we understand your pain at this trying time and wish to walk you through the healing process. Let us help you rebuild your new home. We help in the clean-up process and follow up on the tiring process of the insurance claim. Visit our homepage for more information on your road to recovery.

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