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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration


3/23/2017 (Permalink)

When disaster strikes, SERVPRO STORM Team mobilizes!

Every year, all over the country, catastrophic natural disasters wreak havoc on communities large and small.

Whether its turbulent blizzards, or torrid flooding, the effects of these colossal events can be felt across the nation.

In the midst of the chaos and stress caused by these happenings, it is easy for business and home owners to feel overwhelmed and lost.

SERVPRO strives to put our customers at ease, guiding them and supporting them through the STORM emergency process while providing education and knowledge on how to best navigate the situation. 

From the initial damage assessment, to communicating with your insurance adjuster, to final billing and processing, SERVPRO supports our clients by providing superior customer service.

SERVPRO happily responds to local and outside STORM events. Nationwide, SERVPRO franchises mobilize and act fast, traveling cross country to assist in disaster clean up in communities across the US and Canada.

SERVPRO works in conjunction with all insurance companies, and is part of the Preferred Service Provider program for many nationally recognized insurance organizations.

For our self-pay customers, SERVPRO offers reasonable, competitive pricing and payment options. We understand that STORM cleanup is an unexpected expense, and strive to make reasonably priced restoration accessible to all our customers.

So in the event that your home or business is involved in a STORM, you can rely on SERVPRO to turn a stressful situation into a manageable, professional experience.

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